Meet Carol
I am a contemporary artist creating large-scale, abstract, mixed media paintings.

A little about Carol...
As an artist, a question I tend to get often is “How do you let your art go after you’ve sold it?” There is a common misconception that each piece an artist makes is like a child or a gemstone—something so personal and rare that giving it away must be painful. But the truth is, each piece better resembles a stepping stone. As an artist of more than 20 years, creating moves me forward, veering me into paths I could’ve never anticipated, all in search of the next thing that will make my heart beat faster than the rest. When people ask how I let my art go, I simply tell them, “I haven’t yet painted the one I can’t let go, and that is what keeps me going.”
Originally finding solace in the stillness of landscapes, my art has evolved as I have throughout the years. Determined to constantly be learning and relearning, I have delved into the genres and subjects that called to me and challenged me most. From the delicate realism of ballerinas to the color and playfulness of florals, my work emulates the same movement that allows me to put each new stepping stone down, continuing my evolution. Now I find myself slinging paint faster than ever, using abstract expressionism as a vibrant new medium with which to tell my story.
It is through abstract expressionism that I have been able to articulate some of life’s biggest challenges, from losing my mother to Alzheimers to losing my own hearing about ten years ago. My work has given me a new language, not only to hear my own voice more plainly but to allow others to hear it too. I hope each piece fills you with awe and reminds you of the stones on your own path. Moving with color, brimming with life.
Learn More About Me Here
FOX19 Now Interview during the Morning News
FOX19 Now came to my building of artists and interviewed me in my studio during the 8 o'clock hour. You can watch the interview here.
FOX19 Now Interview during the Morning News
FOX19 Now came to my building of artists and interviewed me in my studio during the 8 o'clock hour. You can watch the interview here.
Download Free Audiobooks From the Library to Sa...
“I love to get audiobooks from the library to listen to during the endless time spent alone in my studio,” says Carol MacConnell,
Download Free Audiobooks From the Library to Sa...
“I love to get audiobooks from the library to listen to during the endless time spent alone in my studio,” says Carol MacConnell,
Authority Magazine
You need to do a hundred paintings before you know how to push paint around. I remember when I started out, I was afraid to put paint on a...
Authority Magazine
You need to do a hundred paintings before you know how to push paint around. I remember when I started out, I was afraid to put paint on a...